Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 15 30 in 30 - Little One

Halfway there...yay! I have met so many wonderful people who are also great artists because of this challenge. I am so thankful that  Leslie Saeta  created this project because it's already changed my life...can't wait to see where this will take me next!

Little One
7 x  8 Pastel


  1. I had to scroll down to see some of the entries I have missed because my classes have started back up and I don't have as much computer time...and I just fell in love with this little one. Your work is so beautiful.

  2. Thank you so much for taking the time to check the older posts and write a comment also! I'm having difficult time adding the gadget that displays older posts similar to the current. It should be simple ...probably something I missed.
